Head of The Cluster

Asst.Prof. Siradol Siridhara, Ph.D. (2023 to Present)Siradols@gmail.com
2000 | Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (Transportation), Virginia Tech, USA | |
1997 | Master of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Texas-El Paso, USA | |
1994 | B.S. in Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand | |

Assoc.Prof. Phumin Kirawanich, Ph.D. (2018 to 2023)phumin.kir@mahidol.ac.th
EDUCATION 2002 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 1998 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 1995 B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand